Jiaozuo, China, 8th November 2019: This month Lomon Billions will promote its high-performance titanium dioxide (TiO?) pigments for coatings and inks at CHINACOAT 2019. Visit the company’s TiO? pigment experts in Hall W2, Zone 8, Booth No. W2.B21
Global best-sellers
“We make our TiO? pigments using both the sulfate and chloride process,” says Julie Reid, marketing director. “Our LOMON? and BILLIONS? TiO? pigments are global brands, approved and used by leading global coatings and inks producers.”
“One of our best-selling TiO? pigments for interior and exterior coatings is LOMON? R-996pigment. It’s a highly durable TiO? pigment made by the sulfate process. Its specially selected inorganic and organic surface treatment makes it suitable for both interior and exterior architectural coatings, and for industrial coatings. Customers also find it effective in plastics and inks.”
“Our world class specialist BILLIONS?TR52 pigment for printing inks is designed for making high quality surface and reverse printing inks and is relied on by inks producers worldwide. It’s suitable for water-based and solvent-based formulations and delivers exceptional performance across a range of properties: superb gloss, outstanding dispersion, excellent opacity and low abrasivity. Our tests show that BILLIONS? TR52 pigment delivers the best performance in all these critical areas when compared with several key competitive products.”
“Our latest pigment for coatings is BILLIONS? BLR-895 pigment, made using the chloride process. It was developed through consultation with our customers and is approved and used by leading global coatings producers. BILLIONS? BLR-895 pigment has excellent dispersion, opacity, and gloss, and delivers brilliant whiteness with a clean blue tone. In fact, BLR-895 pigment can deliver a brighter bluer white when compared with several competitive chloride TiO? pigments including other internationally recognized brands. Thanks to its optimized inorganic surface coating it has excellent durability making it suitable for an extensive range of architectural and industrial coatings.”
The world’s 3rd largest TiO? pigment manufacturer
Lomon Billions has been manufacturing TiO? pigment for 30 years. The Chinese company manufactures high-performance sulfate and chloride TiO? pigments for all major applications. With an annual production capacity of around 1000kt, it’s now the world’s 3rdlargest producer of TiO? pigments, No.1 in Asia and growing fast.
Growing from strength to strength
In fact, Lomon Billions has grown from strength to strength in 2019. Last year the company announced investment of RMB1.8billion (USD 285million) in the construction of an additional 200kt chloride capacity at its chloride TiO? pigment manufacturing site in Jiaozuo, and its ambition to grow its chloride capacity still further.
Two new 100ktpa chloride pigment production lines have now been constructed at Jiaozuo. Commercial production on the first of these 2 new lines is already underway, the second line will be fully commissioned by the end of this year, with commercial production expected in H1 2020.
In June Lomon Billions acquired the Yunnan Xinli site in China to provide more chloride TiO? pigment manufacturing capacity. This site is currently being refurbished for restart in 2019 and is expected to deliver around 60ktpa additional chloride capacity.
Sulfate pigment capacity expansion at Lomon Billion’s Xiangyang site will add a further 50ktpa sulfate manufacturing capacity in 2019.
“Our annual manufacturing capacity will grow from 700kt to around 1000kt in 2019,” says Julie. “The additional capacity at Jiaozuo, Xiangyang and Xinli strengthens our global competitiveness, and will allow us to increase our chloride TiO? pigment portfolio to manufacture more high-performance chloride TiO? pigments for a wider range of applications including growing our portfolio for plastics applications.”
If you’d like to make an appointment to meet one of the Lomon Billions TiO? pigment experts at Chinacoat 2019 or need more information about the company’s high performance TiO? pigments please contact liufuwei@hebeihengfei.com .
Lomon Billions is an established and dynamic titanium dioxide (TiO?) pigment manufacturing business with a strong and expanding global presence. The company manufactures high performance TiO? pigment using both the chloride and sulfate process. Its prominent LOMON? and BILLIONS? pigment brands are recognized worldwide. It is currently ranked 3rd in the world and 1st in Asia in terms of TiO? pigment production capacity.
Lomon Billions has been manufacturing TiO? pigment for 30 years. The company has five established TiO? pigment production sites in four locations in China: Jiaozuo, Henan Province, Deyang, Sichuan Province, Xiangyang, Hubei Province and Yunnan Xinli, Kunming. Lomon Billions also owns an ilmenite mine in Panzhihua, Sichuan Province, an important raw material in TiO? production. Its high performance TiO? products are key ingredients used to produce an enormous range of products worldwide including paints, plastics, inks and paper.
Lomon Billions’ global headquarters and 12,000m2 technology center is in Jiaozuo, Henan Province, China. It has regional offices in North America and in Europe. The company was formed by a merger between Henan Billions Chemical Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Lomon Titanium Industry Co., Ltd on October 28th, 2016. Lomon Billions is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Shenzhen 002601.
Commercial and Media Contact
Julie Reid, Marketing Director
Lomon Billions Group, Winder House, Kingfisher Way, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 3EX, UK
T: +44 (0) 1642 692750 E: juliereid@lomonbillions.global
欢迎各位来宾参加2019中国国际涂料展(zhan)与Lomon Billions钛白粉(fen)专家会面
中国(guo)焦作(zuo)市2019年11月8日消息称:11月18日 至11月20日,Lomon Billions将在(zai)2019中国(guo)国(guo)际涂(tu)料展上推广其用(yong)于涂(tu)料和油墨的高性能钛白(bai)粉(TiO2)。请各位来(lai)宾在(zai)W2展厅8区(qu)W2.B21展位与公司的钛白(bai)粉专家(jia)会(hui)面。
市场总监Julie Reid表示:我们使用(yong)(yong)硫酸法和(he)氯化(hua)法工艺制造(zao)钛(tai)白(bai)粉。我们的(de)LOMON?和(he)BILLIONS?钛(tai)白(bai)粉是(shi)国际品(pin)牌,被(bei)全(quan)球领先的(de)涂(tu)料(liao)和(he)油(you)墨(mo)生产(chan)商(shang)认可并使用(yong)(yong)。LOMON?R-996是(shi)用(yong)(yong)于内部和(he)外(wai)部涂(tu)料(liao)的(de)最畅销的(de)钛(tai)白(bai)粉牌号之(zhi)一。它是(shi)通过(guo)硫酸法工艺制造(zao)的(de)高度耐(nai)用(yong)(yong)的(de)钛(tai)白(bai)粉。无机和(he)有机表面处理使其不(bu)仅适(shi)用(yong)(yong)于室内和(he)室外(wai)建(jian)筑涂(tu)料(liao),而且适(shi)用(yong)(yong)于工业涂(tu)料(liao)。客户还发现它适(shi)用(yong)(yong)于塑(su)料(liao)和(he)油(you)墨(mo)。
我们(men)最新的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)涂(tu)(tu)料(liao)牌(pai)号是采用氯(lv)化法制造的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)BILLIONS?BLR-895。它是通(tong)过与我们(men)的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)客户协商(shang)而开发的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de),被全球领先的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)涂(tu)(tu)料(liao)生(sheng)产(chan)商(shang)认(ren)可(ke)并使用。 BILLIONS?BLR-895具(ju)有(you)优异的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)分散性、遮盖力和(he)光泽度(du)(du),并有(you)出色(se)(se)的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)亮白度(du)(du)和(he)干净的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)蓝色(se)(se)调(diao)。实际(ji)上,与其(qi)他国(guo)际(ji)知(zhi)名品牌(pai)的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)氯(lv)化法钛白粉牌(pai)号相(xiang)比,BLR-895具(ju)有(you)更亮的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)蓝白色(se)(se)。得益于其(qi)优化的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)无机表面涂(tu)(tu)料(liao),它具(ju)有(you)出色(se)(se)的(de)(de)(de)(de)(de)耐久性,因此适用于各种建筑和(he)工业涂(tu)(tu)料(liao)。
Lomon Billions拥有30余年钛(tai)白(bai)粉生产(chan)(chan)经验。公司生产(chan)(chan)用(yong)于所(suo)有主(zhu)要应用(yong)领域的高性能硫酸(suan)法和氯化法钛(tai)白(bai)粉。主(zhu)营钛(tai)白(bai)粉产(chan)(chan)能超100万(wan)吨,规模增长迅速(su)。
实际上(shang),Lomon Billions在(zai)2019年的实力不断增强(qiang)。去年,公司宣布投资18亿元人民(min)币(2.85亿美(mei)元),在(zai)焦作的氯(lv)(lv)化(hua)法(fa)钛(tai)(tai)白粉生(sheng)产(chan)基地建设额外的20万(wan)吨氯(lv)(lv)化(hua)法(fa)产(chan)能(neng),以实现其(qi)进一(yi)步提高(gao)其(qi)氯(lv)(lv)化(hua)法(fa)钛(tai)(tai)白粉产(chan)能(neng)的雄心壮志。
6月,Lomon Billions收购了云南新立(li),以提高更(geng)多(duo)的(de)钛白(bai)(bai)粉产能。该场地目前正在翻新中(zhong),将于2019年重新启动(dong),预计(ji)将支持约每年6万吨的(de)额外(wai)钛白(bai)(bai)粉产能。
Lomon Billions襄阳基地(di)的硫酸法钛白粉产能(neng)(neng)扩大,将在(zai)2019年进一步(bu)增加每(mei)年5万吨的硫酸法钛白粉产能(neng)(neng)。
如果您(nin)想在(zai)2019中国(guo)国(guo)际(ji)涂料展期(qi)间与Lomon Billions 钛(tai)白粉专家会(hui)面(mian),或者需(xu)要有关公司高(gao)性(xing)能钛(tai)白粉的更多信息,请联系liufuwei@hebeihengfei.com。
Lomon Billions是一家(jia)成熟且充满活力的钛白(bai)粉(fen)(TiO2)制造(zao)企业,在全(quan)球范围内拥有强大且不断扩(kuo)展的业务。该公司使用氯化法和(he)硫(liu)酸法工艺生产高性能的钛白(bai)粉(fen)。其著名(ming)的LOMON?和(he)BILLIONS?钛白(bai)粉(fen)品牌享(xiang)誉(yu)全(quan)球。
Lomon Billions拥有(you)30余年的(de)钛(tai)(tai)白粉生(sheng)(sheng)产(chan)经验,现已(yi)形成(cheng)河南焦(jiao)作,四川德阳、攀(pan)枝(zhi)花(hua)(hua),湖北襄阳及云南楚雄等四省(sheng)五地(di)六大生(sheng)(sheng)产(chan)基地(di)的(de)企(qi)业规(gui)模。 Lomon Billions钛(tai)(tai)铁(tie)矿公(gong)司位于四川攀(pan)枝(zhi)花(hua)(hua)市,钛(tai)(tai)铁(tie)矿是生(sheng)(sheng)产(chan)钛(tai)(tai)白粉的(de)重要原料。其(qi)高性能的(de)钛(tai)(tai)白粉产(chan)品是在全球范(fan)围(wei)内生(sheng)(sheng)产(chan)包括(kuo)油漆,塑料,油墨和纸张在内的(de)众多产(chan)品的(de)关(guan)键原材料。
Lomon Billions的(de)(de)全(quan)球(qiu)总部和12,000平方米的(de)(de)技术中心(xin)位于中国河南省焦(jiao)作市,在北美和欧(ou)洲设有(you)地区办(ban)事处(chu)。该公(gong)司(si)由河南佰利联化学股份有(you)限公(gong)司(si)与(yu)四川(chuan)龙蟒钛业有(you)限公(gong)司(si)于2016年10月28日(ri)合并(bing)而成。Lomon Billions在深圳(zhen)证券交易所上市,股票代(dai)码:002601。
Julie Reid, 市场总监
Lomon Billions Group
Winder House, Kingfisher Way, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 3EX, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 1642 692750
E: juliereid@hebeihengfei.com